The Negative Voice
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2002-09-04 -

Always Dug the New Routines

Blarg. I had a beautiful Labor Day weekend. I spent it all sleeping, watching movies, or playing "Master of Orion II" at a nice low difficulty level. During a vacation from working with computers, I like to spank them around a bit.

My mood just plain collapsed when I had trouble sleeping Monday night. I went back to work with most of the beneficial effects of all that sleep gone, and discovered that I had dropped the ball on a project and spent yesterday and a good chunk of today running around like the proverbial decapitated chicken trying to catch up. Still, I got through it, and I have some ideas for how to do it better next time.

Today was the first day of the fall routine for Liralyn and I- that is, Julie taught her first fall term class, and I picked Liralyn up from day care. Liralyn didn't care for the disruption much. She likes it when I pick her up, but she doesn't like to get home before Mommy, so we go to the park and then eat out and get home around 8:15 or so. Everything is fine at that point- but then Liralyn wants to spend four hours with Mommy, like she would on a normal day. That is not fine. We had a nice little pseudo-tantrum about that. She didn't cry and kick and scream, but she did crawl and meow and try to lick me goodnight instead of kissing me. I didn't enjoy that so much. Still, it should stabilize in a couple of weeks.

Sigh. I never enjoy this time of year.

Previous entry: Is It Friday Yet?

Next entry: More Tantrums

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