The Negative Voice
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2001-03-09 - 04:41:01 AM

Fortune Cookies

I came home from work and went to sleep at 7:30. I tried not to, but I did.

Then I woke up at 3:30 and said, "crap." Not just crap because I forgot to save the episode of "The Battleships" I was watching, and it probably got replaced by tonight's ep, but because now my sleep cycle is jammed.

Anyway, I was reading Steph's diary, and she mentioned the fortune cookie that she and Mer and Katie and Kristen all got, and I thought of the one I got at Szechuan West with Julie on Wednesday night.

It said, "Do not mistake temptation for opportunity." And I looked at Julie, toward whom I was once (well, maybe twice) tempted but lacking opportunity, and then I thought about Wendi and so on and so on, and all I could think was, "Why didn't anyone tell me this *before*?" Julie laughed at me. Which showed good sense on her part. Aside from the obvious question of "what else would she do with me?", I have to admit that Julie has probably seen me in various modes of failure more than any one of my friends. If we ever stopped being friends, she could probably use those memories to come up with a plan to destroy me. I need to stay on her good side.

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